Near-Term QIP
As quantum information processing devices of ever-larger size continue to come online, it is a timely question to ask what can be done with them, and what research is relevant to these near-term systems. My work in this area has taken a two-pronged approach.
The first is to use existing and near-term systems as platforms to demonstrate and study small-scale implementations of the long-term goals of quantum information processing, such as fault-tolerant quantum error correction [4], or quantum cryptography [3,5]. This kind of research is necessary to discover emergent problems that are absent at the single or two-qubit level, but arise on small-scale systems and beyond.
The second approach is to understand what can be done with near-term systems, despite their far from perfect operation. Here, I’ve focused on bringing alternative computing methodologies, specifically neuromorphic computing, into the quantum domain [1,2]. The hope is that the quantum version inherits the beneficial properties of the classical version, such as noise resilience or minimal control requirements. If this is true, such approaches may prove beneficial.
Selected Papers
W. D. Kalfus, G. J. Ribeill, G. E. Rowlands, H. K. Krovi, T. A. Ohki, and L. C. G. Govia “Neuromorphic computing with a single qudit”, arXiv:2101.11729 (2021).
L. C. G. Govia, G. J. Ribeill, G. E. Rowlands, H. K. Krovi, and T. A. Ohki,“Quantum reservoir computing with a single nonlinear oscillator”, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013077 (2021).
D. Bunandar, L. C. G. Govia, H. Krovi, and D. Englund,“Numerical finite-key analysis of quantum key distribution”, npj Quantum Inf. 6, 104 (2020).
D. Ristè, L. C. G. Govia, et al., “Real-time processing of stabilizer measurements in a bit-flip code”, npj Quantum Inf. 6, 71 (2020).
L. C. G. Govia, D. Bunandar, J. Lin, D. Englund, N. Lütkenhaus and H. Krovi,“Clifford group restricted eavesdroppers in quantum key distribution”, Phys. Rev. A 101 (6), 062318 (2020).